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Welcome to Magic Penny

The coin that unlocks through sharing.
Magic Penny Verified Contract Address

Give it away and you'll end up having more...

Like love, Magic Penny isn’t about buying it – it’s about giving it away.
Every time you give Magic Penny away you’ll get double what you gave in return.
Give 1 away and you’ll get back 2.
Give 10 away and get back 20.
You get the idea…

The rules


Each wallet can only give away Magic Penny once every 24 hours


If the gift is not accepted and minted within 24 hours then the gift will expire and will need to be sent again.


When the total number of wallets holding Magic Penny exceeds 10k the double bonus gifting feature is turned off.


If the total number of wallets holding Magic Penny ever goes below 10k wallets, the doubling feature will be turned back on.


Psyche! There is no roadmap. No tech. No rocket ships.
The only promise is that holding Magic Penny makes you part of a community that believes in the magic of giving and sharing – whether that’s love or just our sweet little meme coin.

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Magic Penny has no association with Malvina Reynolds or her creation – Magic Penny the song. This token is simply inspired by the spirit of giving and kindness we all recognize.

Magic Penny is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap. The Magic Penny coin is completely useless and for entertainment purposes only.